We offer two main packages, if you have a complete manuscript we can assist you to self-publish. If you have or need a book, but it's in your head, we have a "From Soup to Nuts" package that includes us creating the manuscript and producing your self-published book. Our self-publishing packages include, copy and content editing, copyright, ISBN, front and back cover design, layout for book format and an electronic format for e-publishing. It also includes a basic media kit of book covers, business cards and standard promotional materials to help you sell your book. This package is a flat fee of $4200.00 for children’s books and includes illustrations or $3500.00 for all other manuscripts and authors leave with a completed book to sell. A $2000 deposit gets you started.


"From Soup to Nuts" is our second package which requires you to commit to 30-40 hours of scheduled interview time for content. Based on your input, we write the manuscript, submit it you for your edits and revisions. Upon your approval, we will create your cover, format, copy edit, content edit, copyright, obtain your ISBN and barcode. We will also provide an electronic version of your book and list it on AMAZON for you and you maintain all ownership of your new book. You leave with a complete book to sell. It's a powerful tool for motivational speakers and entrepreneurs. This process can take as little as 120 days to complete and costs $9,500.00. A $4,000 deposit gets this process going. 

We are also proud to offer children’s book authors animated videos. Ours can be viewed at https://youtu.be/wVtjo0XvKl4 . Our animated video prices are as follows: Video production for 2-3 minutes with 3-4 characters is $5000.00 and requires 1/2 deposit. Video .30 second animated promo is $2300 and requires 1/2 deposit.

If you are interested in SELF-publishing, please fill the form below for consideration.